If you are looking for a way to reach out to your target customers, look no further than Tomba. It is a revolutionary new tool that lets you quickly find the email address of anyone, even if you don’t have their contact information. With just a few clicks, you can search for an email address by name, company, or job title. You can also use this tool to find contact information for potential customers and suppliers that you would like to connect with.
With this easy-to-use email finder software, you can find email addresses for anyone in seconds. Plus, its database is constantly updated with new contacts using their Robots systems that help professionals for B2B sales and email marketing, so you will always have the most up-to-date information.
It is a cloud-hosted email address search provider able to help you to seek out the professional contact you need. You may enter information in your CRM, with the addition of email addresses from domains or companies, or the names of individuals to help you find a suitable contact for any purpose. You can even confirm specific addresses and search against various SPF records to create a verified list.
Benefits of Using Tomba
- Automatic collecting contact info. properly, and at scale.
- Integrating the tool with the CRM system works very well.
- Tons of emails are enriched with other data,
- The tools all work very fast.
- The interface is simple. It makes overall use extremely fast.
- It also has an improvement option (to find more information about someone) and a bulk option if you need to do it for more than a dozen contacts.
- LinkedIn emails collect easily, which is helpful for the new Chrome extension.
- Help to find the exact email addresses and contact information of people who work in a particular company.
- It is perfect to verify the email and phone number.
Best for
- Marketers
- Marketing agencies
- Sales managers
Features at a glance
- Domain search
- Email finder
- Email verifier
- Phone finder and verify
- Enrichment
- Author Finder
- Technology Data
- Bulk tasks (domain search, email finder, email verifier, Author Finder, Enrichment)
- Team management
- Lead management
- CRM integrations
- Extensions available as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, and Safari
- Google Sheets & Microsoft add-ons
- API & webhooks
- Tomba makes finding links to browse email simple and intuitive with a quick but minimalist dashboard. It is mainly used to find emails from certain companies.
- It is worthwhile reaching out to blogs according to your niche to receive backlinks, but it is efficient. Use its search bar to locate the particular site you are seeking in seconds.
- Tomba will give you a list of the staff that work for the website, along with their job title and frequency of contact for email. The email list might be easier to use.
- You simply have to copy an email address you want to confirm: you can also check to see if the email account is being mailed to that daring by seeing the library preview.
- If you need to bulk add or examine many emails, the bulk task feature can help you do actions like checking, running searches, and performing verifications.
- Through the Tobma customer management system, you can get certain customer emails and focus your search on these.
- This doesn’t mean it is complex whatsoever. It can just help you keep records of what you do with us, and if you find the same email addresses, don’t forget them.
- Tomba also offers various tools for you to use to simplify the outreach procedure. The extension for Chrome allows you to search and find any email address when you’re on the road.
- The Google Sheets app is great too. You can use it to generate emails, and it stores the previously collected emails for your project and Clearly.
- Tomba’s user-friendly features are a big part of why it’s popular. But it offers an API too, so you can embed this tool into your apps or other gadgets.
Top 10 Tomba Alternatives & Competitors
- Zoom Info Sales OS
- Apollo.io
- Hunter
- Rocket Reach
- Up Lead
- Lead IQ
- Lead 411
- Adapt
- Find That Lead
- Lusha
Learn the Secrets of What’s Inside?
- Ready Developer
- Updating regularly by default
- Working system as a team
- Coverage Worldwide
- Unique Data
- Worldwide within milliseconds
- Native Integrations Tomba has
- Services are available as Google cloud, Microsoft add-ons, Google sheets.
- The add-on instance will try to find a match for the current location, Mobile Number, Twitter Profile, LinkedIn Profile, Country, sources, Extracted by, Last seen, Still on the page, URL, and gender.
In conclusion, Tomba is a great tool for finding email addresses of your targeted customers. With tools like email lookup domain discovery, this tool can help automate your outreach process with great results. With its simple interface and easy-to-use features, you can quickly find the information you need. So why haven’t you tried yet? You will be surprised at how helpful it is!